
Internet related copyright

Authors’ rights protect a wide range of intellectual works and performances such as figurative art and architecture, theatrical, musical, or literary works, works for radio and television, photographs, films, scientific and educational writings, translations, original databases and data collections, software, etc. Our team will help you identify, protect, and enforce your author’s rights by providing wide-ranging advice that includes not only the legal aspects but also the most innovative features of Internet-related copyright.

In Italy

Authors’ rights in Italy are valid for 70 years after the death of the author, but for certain rights this length can be different. A special form of protection applies to software. Authors’ rights can also provide you with customs protection. It is possible to request customs authorities to seize goods infringing your authors’ rights.


Software can be protected:
- by authors’ rights when it meets the relevant creativity and originality requirements
- as a patent when it contains one or more technically innovative algorithms.
You can also register software at the Special Public Registry held by the S.I.A.E. (the Italian body where authors’ rights are registered). Any software that meets the requirements for creativity and a minimum degree of originality with respect to pre-existing software, including elaborations of and variations on previous software, can be registered. Here also, your author’s rights on software can provide you with customs protection. It is possible to request customs authorities to seize infringing goods.